SoBE Water
I bought four SoBe coconut waters yesterday in the blue bottles. I have bought them many times from my local Food Lion with no problem. Last night I opened one of them before bed for a sip and something hit my lip. When I looked into the bottle there was a large chunk of a greenish-brown slimy looking thing with round black things on it floating in my drink. When I held the bottle up I could see a bunch of black gunk floating in the bottom as well. I'm not sure what it is but it appears to be some sort of fungus that has grown, however the date on the bottle was not out of date. The other SoBe waters were fine. I'm going to see if DHEC can test it to find out if it was tampered with or if it is indeed a fungus. Check your bottled goods before you drink them! This was so disgusting. Not sure if it is a SoBe problem or Food Lion but since it was bought from FL just wanted to give a heads up to everyone.