Wholesale Sports Customer Service

Wholesale Sports Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:(877) 740-1115

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Average Customer Rating

Score 1
Website: Wholesale Sports Website

Wholesale Sports Customer Service Hours

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Reviews For Wholesale Sports Customer Service (1)

In store service

At your Burlington Washington I was very disappointed in your customer service. All of your check out were closed and only one customer service person was available. That person was trying to explain fishing regulations and licensing fees to someone who spoke english as a second language. In the mean time as customers were lining up to pay and leave the store were waiting. After the second time the customer service person said, "I'll be with you in a moment", was enough. I sat the basket of items, about $60 worth, on a closed check out line counter. I turned and told the others in line that I thought a store that size could afford more than one cashier and left the store. As I was walking out the customer service person was asking for another service agent. To late for me. I will now no longer shop there! I drove almost 40 miles each way not not shop at Cabelas, which is only 18 miles from my home. Now I will just spent my time and money there as they are not only closer but have much better customer service. It happened today 11 JAN 2013 at approx. 1140 AM.

-by (Jan. 11, 2013)