Bealls Florida Customer Service

Bealls Florida Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number:(800) 569-9038

Shortcut: N/A - Edit

Average Customer Rating

Score 5
Website: Bealls Florida Website

Bealls Florida Customer Service Hours

N/A - Edit

Reviews For Bealls Florida Customer Service (1)

WOW! Store #067

On my visit of 2-25, I need comfortable shoes as I walk with a cane & am disabled. Ellen (WOW) showed me to a seat, found what I was asking for & also showed my other brands that might be a better fit. You can"t even get that kind of service at Macy's! I bought her suggestion as she was correct, they were a better fit & extremely comfortable. Also, Rexine, (cashier) is always a total delight & I always wait to have her ring me up! She is also the one who assisted me in getting my Beall's card. On the other side I find your store manager rather cold, uninterested, & condescending. Thank You!

-by (Mar. 7, 2013)