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Report abuse on a Sprint Store locations and Hours Post

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I have never been so disappointed with a store in my life. I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (a $600 phone) from this location on 11/21/12 and paid an extra 10 bucks to have it sent to me overnight. Seven full days later and I still do not have my phone. I have had to go into the store several times this week and have spent countless hours with them over the phone. I once waited a full 35mins on hold with their staff before speaking to a single person. They now believe that my phone was either lost in the mail or was stolen on my front porch. I tried to get them to track my order to see where it was and told me they "lost the tracking number" and are going to "give me another phone out of pocket." I have been going this location for over a few years now and have had fairly good service in the past. With that being said, I am utterly amazed by how badly this purchase has gone so far. Hopefully they can get the second phone to me within a couple days.

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