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I had stopped going to Macaroni Grill in Waikoloa Village Hawaii last year after a horrible experience. We decided to try again since we heard that a new manager was there. Well.... It was actually worse then last year!. The Crostini we ordered was horrible. Two small pieces of stale toasts, with crushed tomaotes(no flavor) and a not only completely wilted end of a basil leaf but it was rotten as well. All that for $8.00. Next came the soup, lukewarm and so sour (we had a dried tomatoe based "special" soup) that we had to return it. The waitress was not very sympathetic and just did not really seem to care. So sad for an enterprise that seemed so good for our area. Iwill make sure to tell EVERYONE how bad it is. Please do NOT go there it is a waste of money!

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