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Report abuse on a AT&T Store locations and Hours Post

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I signed up with AT&T a month ago. I cannot get online. I don't have a bill with the 3 magic numbers. You also set up an account for me with a user name I'll never be able to remember and a password that, well, I guess I'm supposed to spend the next 4 or 5 years guessing what it is. When I try to call or email, one of the question blocks is that I have to pick wireless, phone, internet, or TV. I've no problem with those. I have a problem with the voodoo you use for your customers. So I have to lie and click "I'm having trouble with my phone" and the next answer block is "There are 3 magic numbers on your bill. What are they?" And I don't have the 3 numbers on my bill. I will tolerate you for a year because I'm all signed up, but I will do without phone, computer, and TV rather than renew with you. You really, deep down suck.

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