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Went to your Linton Ave, Delray Beach, Fla location last nite with a visually impaired friend and his guide dog. The guy at the door hollered that we couldn't bring the dog in - after I pointed out that it was an ADA compliant guide dog the guy laughed in our faces. - A waitress came up and told us we could bring it in but would have to sit where they wanted us to - we told her we would sit where we wanted. After we sat down - a few young men sitting at the next table starting sneezing and complaining they were allergic to the dog and we should move or leave - We asked to see the manager who hemmed and hawed and seemed clueless about what to do - Everything the staff did was in direct violation of the law and we decided to leave as it was now the most unpleasant experience we ever had. We will be notifying the proper authorities about the lack of compliance with the law and discrimination and filing a complaint with the local Better Business bureau - we may even pursue a legal remedy.

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