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I've been going to steak n shake for over 13 years, today i went in for a quick burger because a van was blocking the drive thru. Talked with 3 different staff members, tried to place an order, and was rudely told by management that they couldn't serve anything, because the hoods were being cleaned. To be fair, there was a sign on the door that said the store was closed that i didn't notice... yet the doors were open, there was a full staff, .... and the staff either didn't care to tell me or didn't know... and management should never ever be disrespectful to costumers. when i pointed to the sign of "satisfaction gauranteed" one of the blue shirts threatened to call the cops... for what i don't know, because at that point I was still trying to patronize the establishment. I think I will still go to other steak n shakes. but never this one again (dorthy lane dayton,ohio).

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