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I haven't had a problem with not receiving calls but if you are thinking of switching to this company...please read on. I signed up on 11/30/13 and was promised $100 credit on each line I ported over. I ported 4 lines. I was also promised that my activation fees would also be credited. I signed up under a plan that I would receive a 10% discount on my bill every month because I banked at Member One. I have been with Sprint now for 8 months and have received NOTHING that I was promised. After I received my first bill and there was no credit on there, I called and they told me that I had to be a customer for 2 months before any credit would show up. 2 months passed and STILL no credit. I called again and they "didn't know what I was talking about". After several attempts calling customer service and going back into the store, I still had no credit. I went to the corporate store to try to get some resolution. The guy there put a 23% discount on my account because I am a Carilion employee. I left there thinking "Finally someone has done something". Before my discount could even show up on my bill, I received a call from the store where I signed up and he told me that he had to remove the 23% discount because I signed up under the plan for the 10% discount. I just got the 10% added to my bill this month (July 2014) which is 8 months after I signed up. Still no word on the other $604 that Sprint still owes me. THIS IS THE WORST COMPANY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT I HAVE EVER HAD TO DEAL WITH!

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