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I was a wireless internet customer with Sprint for 2 1/2 years. I never got close to using the monthly allotment of time. I opened my bill and saw that it was $200 more than the monthly charge. I phoned customer service and was told that they couldn't do anything about it unless they could determine that the wireless device was defective. They told me to go to the local sprint store and have it tested. I did and they found it defective. The notes on my acct. reflected that it was defective. Called my contact back and he said he would take it to his supervisor to approve. I get a voicemail msg that my request for an adjustment was denied. Could not speak with the person who made the decision and no one else could overturn the decision of another mgr. They told me during an earlier phone call that they would credit me $100 if I would sign another contract. I told him no because none of the overage was my fault, so I wanted the bill adjusted and no to the contract. All they want is to have you tied to a contract so they can offer poor service without you having any recourse. I have cancelled my service and will NEVER use them and NEVER let any of my friends use them. They lost a lot of $$ by not doing the right thing. DO NOT USE will happen to you.!!!

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