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Changed from Verizon to Sprint because of the unlimited everything deal, was with Sprint for 4 days and had the worst service ever. Roaming while at home, no service while in class, need to have service so my child can reach me. Bought a phone through Sprint, tried to cancel that and couldn't but was told I could get a full refund once the phone was back in their hands (never activated phone), still fighting with them on that issue. Then they wanted to charge me $292.00 for 4 days of service. Spoke to a total of 1l different people and still no refund, or prorated bill. They are completely clueless and could care less about your issues. Quick to take your money but takes forever to get anything done. Plus, they LIE!!!! Like a dog on a rug. Wait poor dogs, can't give them that bad of a name. We'll say they LIE!!! Like poop on the ground. Poop service is what you get with this company. If you don't have their service, "DON"T GET IT!"

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