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I will be brief as the issue would take to long to go into full detail. 1. the billing office does not stand by what their employees tell their customers. they pretty much call you a liar if it is not in their notes. 2. The customer service team does not know how to explain charges or credits on a bill. 3.when asked to speak to a Supervisor I was given a lead then a Supervisor, then transfered to another Supervisors VM (who never called me back, of course) 4. on the phone for 1 issue over 50 mins and still wasnt resolved, after 4 phone calls the month prior thinking it was resolved. 5. paying out $553.00 over 2 months for 1 active line and one line that was suppose to be put in seasonal payment (9.00/month) and of course wasnt. bottom line: once my contract is up, I will never return to Sprint. I was approved for 10 lines and was going to add my family members... thank god I didnt ! Back to Verizon for me I had them for 12 years and never had any problems .. ever! LESSON LEARNED!

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