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my husband and i were talked into buying into a home remodeling jod, this was suppose to cost 19,000 how about that one . we were told that some one would be in touch with us within a few weeks to get the final measurements , we should have known better to back out then , we were contacted a month after the sales rep came to our home , the man who came was so nice over the phone when he called to make the appointment to do the second measurements, but then when he came to our home he was very unfriendly , he made us feel like he had something against Spanish people, he was very short with us , we could tell he didn't even want to be in our home. when he did the final measurements he wasn't even doing the right my husband had to correct him and when we talked about our counter tops he said he was going to be the one installing them but he told us he didn't have experience our counter tops cost us 8000.00 and he had no experience, that was the third bad sign . and then we were told it would be another 30 days before they had our cabinets in , we had to wait almost another month and half,, by the time they started working on our home ,we didn't get some of our cabinets , we had to wait another two weeks before we got those , then half the nobs were missing and , we converted over from electric to gas , so they had to ripe out some walls ,well some of my walls still aren't done , we can't get any one to ever call us back , and when we do get a hold of some one they are very rude , we were told sears was going to take care of us and that still hasn't happen , we were sent a gift card in the mail which was really part of our loan so it wasn't a gift card , when we went to use it we had to hassle with that too because it was cancelled and it took us almost seven hours in the store to have ot activated, this jod was suppose to take only a week its been two months now and our 19.000 job well we were told by sears we will be getting a bill now for 27.000.00 we will never , never do business with sears ever again.

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