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I purchased a window/wall A/C in Sept. of 2011. It worked fine during the summer of 2012. But this year, it has hardly worked at all. I have had 3 service calls and each time, they said they had fixed the problem. Each time within 2-1/2 to 3 weeks, it stops blowing cold air. Each time I call for a repair appt, I am told the soonest appt is approx. 2 weeks from the date I called. It is hot outside (and inside). I cannot wait for 2 wees for repair, especially when the 3rd time was in 95 degree weather. The customer service people I talk to just gve their pat answer "I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do". They just don't care about the customer. This is definitely not like the Sears Service of years ago.

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