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I just spoke with service/repair and was once again promised I would have my lawn mower back in two days. I was told this last week also. I had to pay $75 to get my yard cut after the lawn mower was not delivered to the local store as promised. I have to pay the $59 (for whatever they repaired and I bought the mower only 8 months ago) as well as having to pay to have my lawn cut. I spoke with persons at the 1-888 number as well as the Pell City store and no one told me it would take two weeks to get the mower delivered AFTER it was repaired. I know Sears will not miss one customer but I will never buy another thing at Sears. Over the years, my husband and I bought 3 riding lawn mowers from Sears and I do not know how many push mowers but NEVER AGAIN. Their repair service is absolutely the WORST I have ever encountered.

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