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I purchased a water heater in 2006, which Sears installed. In Oct, 2008 the pilot burner had to be replaced. In Sept, 2010 the pilot light went out again, and they cleaned it. January 8, 2013 the gas value was replaced and I was instructed to correct the exhaust flu-pipe that Sears originally installed in 2006. January 9, 2013 the pilot light went out, again without hot water. January 15, 2013 my appointment was for 8am-12pm, service ctr called said the tech is running late and would be there a little after 12pm. at 1:57pm the tech called and said he would be there in about 30 minutes. 2:40pm the tech arrives. Unfortunately, I had kids to take care of and couldn't wait for the tech at that time. Still without hot water. the Pilot ignitor doesn't work. Worst service ever!

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