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today some old hs friends and I went to the DeKalb Ill. ruby tues. Our server was a young man, named Toby. He looked like a college student, and we found out he's 32, has 3 kids, works two jobs. He was excellent, informative, fun, patient and very knowledgable about the menu..... he had a great sense of humor without trying to be funny, and he was polite and on the job. If I was in management for your company, this is just what I would be looking for in an employee... Toby is his name, and he lives about an hour from us, plus working the two jobs. That speaks to me of a great work ethic, and willingness to go the extra that it might take a young family... Toby is, one of those shining stars, and if I were you, don't let him get away he's worth a lot. Thanks Toby for the great experience, your were awesome... God Bless

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