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My fiance went to store #012861 in Keizer, OR 97303. Katy with 3 hoops sticking out of her lower lip was the cashier when fiance went in to pay. He handed her my debit card and was promptly asked for his I.D. to see if last names were the same. He said they were not and they refused my card and he had to pay with cash that luckily he happened to have. He has used my card there before plus a million other places. And this is the first time this has ever happened. I am disabled and in a wheelchair, do you know what it takes to get me in the car for a 2 minute drive to prove its my card? And Katy had phone number and address from orders in the past and could of called to confirm he could use the card. There was absolutely no attempts to fix the situation. My fiances family is very large and love me dearly, and do not look kindly on anyone that treats me with disrespect. So you have now lost some very good customers, as my family will spread this information like wild fire. If its policy its policy, but how can it be policy if it isn't done every time?

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