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My husband and I ate in twice in the past 18 months; both times they were 'out of alfredo sauce and chicken' so my granddaughter asked for some breadsticks - they were "out of the cheese for the breadsticks"; the second time we came in, they were "out of pork sausage and green peppers". Tonight I did an online order which was to be done at 5:30; it was done at 5:53 and the pizza had no sauce on it; I was told that when you order a thin crust, you don't get much sauce. The to-go-order for the man ahead of me was all messed up; the other customer told me that he had been waiting 'for quite a while' on a call in order. All three times, the restaurant was barely full - one couple came in to eat while I was waiting and that was it - on a Saturday night. Don't eat at the Pizza Hut in Newton NC!

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