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For almost 2 months I have been trying to buy a Greenworks 25222 mower from Pep Boys in Boardman, OH. So far I have yet to even see one. I have been calling and/or stopping by at least once a week and have been told every excuse they can think of. I have to wonder if Pep Boys anywhere is honoring the $150 discount agreed upon per the lawsuit they lost. I was also told that this "offer" is good through out the summer. Well, considering they convienantly don't have any of these mowers either in store or in warehouse (even in other cities, I'm told) I'd like to know how they are honoring this environmental deal?! Ugh! I'm getting fed up with the run around. I have been a loyal Pep Boys customer for over 8 years. Perhaps it's time to look else-ware for my auto and outdoor needs.

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