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I just wanted to say I just spoke to a district manager for Papa Johns about the complaint I made on Friday, April 19th, 2013 and was told it is okay to go to work, get punched in to the job, then leave with the boss for the time you are to be working, so you and this "boss" can have private dining and still get paid. Well if you have money to blow that's okay with me. Then since they can't proved the break in or that they smoke weed it is again okay to be doing these things. I don't know what kind of pizza store you run for your customers in a poor city but this is not good. The worse part is you do nothing about the problems because you don't care as long as you make money. SHAME< SHAME< SHAME. This will come back to bite you someday. Another thing is when this district manager called he told me it is okay to tell the boss who made the complaint about him, which who then comes to my house like a raving fool just to tell me because I complained he got a big big promotion. That corporate lawyers from Papa Johns were helping him and he is untouchable. I thought this was a better company with good morals. Boy was I wrong.

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