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My daughter rented storage a month ago at U-Haul/ Clark Ave. Cleveland, Oh. and has been trying to get her furniture to move in her new house for almost 3 weeks now, but the elevator is broken at the U-Haul and storage space is on the 4th floor. She was told she would have to carry her stuff down 3 flights of stairs! and no apology or solution have they given yet..she is a single parent with 3 children and is a grocery cashier with low pay; very few resources to pay anyone to move her down three flights of stairs, so her stuff remains in storage as she pays for a new home she cannot occupy...Customer Service 800 # puts us on hold with no results.I will soon get my church members, my oldest daughter's co-workers at a major insurance co., and this daughter's at a major grocery chain to join us in putting out bad reviews and reports on U-Haul if there is no resolution soon. An angry mom

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