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I went to the McDonalds on 8th St in Altoona, IA last night and after placing order at speaker and advising that gal that last time I was there that the big frys that I had gotten last time was only 1/2 full and suggested maybe they throw in a small fry for free this time. She advised she would have her manager talk to me at the window when paying. When I went to pay this women was there and looked and me as if what do you want...but I it was like yes, then she was talking to the girl at the window advising that she had made a mistake on the pricing of order, and then looked at me again and at register and then was talking to the girl again and then back at me and I repeated myself again on the frys and she just looked at me, so I advised I would just pay and then she advised that I was being rude to her and that she was not going to serve me. Needless to say, I left and will not be back at the location ever. If anything she was the rude one by not asking politely what was wrong and paying full attention to me and not the person taking the order. I am almost 70 years old and never in my life had a been refused service anywhere and I have in my life worked in customer service and know that you are to treat your customer's better than I was treated. I was very very very bad.

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