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This is a new McDonald's and the food and service is reprehensible. I don't know if the kids working their just don't give a damn or are plain ignorant. I own a business less than a mile from this McDonalds, you can't drive fast enough that the food isn't cold when I get back to work. I have a written list of peoples order from work and they have managed to screw it up 9 out of 11 times we have been there. Everytime we go in there is a line of people who are returning food because it was prepared wrong or COLD. Today 3/7/12 was the last straw. ordered 2 McDoubles Ketchup & real onion only, of course the cheese,. Now the grill sticker said just that, but the burgers were Musturd (dripping) & pickle.. and yes COLD damn fries.. I would have to say. Close it now or get new management in there ASAP. We won't ever go back, Hardees here we come...

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