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We are retirees, travel 6 months out of the year, we have been across the US several times. My favorite restaurant is "MCDONALDS" so I have been in many stores. Today, we stopped at 602 N D Salinas Blvd.,Donna,TX,78537 - in all my travels I have never seen a McDonalds as dirty as this one was. The floors - doors - hadn't been cleaned in days. No one was even attemping to be doing any cleaning. We almost left, but decided to stay - Our food was OK. I ask for Apple Pies, the girl said they didn't have any at the moment. We noticed there were pies "in the conpartment" where pies are kept. I said, there are in pies in there, and she said something that I could not understand, so we didn't have our pie's. I am sure we will be going back to McDonalds, but felt that you would be interested in the cleanliness of one of your stores. Thank You

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