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I sent my husband to lowes in west winsdor to get are lawnmover repaired, they called and said it would be over a 100.00 dollars, I asked if that would cover an oil change and the blade sharpened, they said no so I said I don't want the repair send itg back. It arrived at the store disassembled and covered in oil, some one I believe did this on purpose for not doing the repair. This lady ann marie who heads the department was out raged at this rerturn and said to make things better she would repair it for free, well she called today and said it was reassembled and still doesn't start. I called the asst. manager and told him what happen and he called me back and said I didn't want to pay for the repair and I told him I could have bought another mover for another hundred dollars for what the repair would cost. my husband is 100% disabled vet and we live on a pension, lowes has always been are first choice but now we see what kind of treatment you give are veterans, and we will make sure that the vets hear of this, I'm glad I kept husband kept his word when serving the country, your employee made promises she couldn't keep and shouldn't have been made, thanks for showing your true costumer value for me and my husband

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