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I recently went to Lowes on Alexis Rd., in Toledo, Ohio to order countertops. Customer representatives first comments were don't worry we will take care of you! While placing the order the customer service rep excused himself to use restroom. I waited. Order was finally complete. I was told it would takes 2 weeks and someone would contact me within 2 days. Measurements were to be taken, but contractor did not show for a week. I was then told by the contractor it would take two weeks from the time the measurements were taken to get countertops. Measurements were not turned in by contractor immediately. Then I was told I had to come in and sign a contract in order for work to begin. At the time I signed the contract it had already been three weeks. I was told they would call me within 3 days to set up installation. No phone call came. I called Lowes back and was told that the countertop I chose was no longer in stock but now special order!! For three weeks Lowes was not aware of this, the contractor told them this fact about the product that Lowes is supposed to be supplying, yet that sample was still on the in stock display!!!! Lowes will not let me out of the contract and it has been a month with no countertops and no installation date has been issued!! NEVER USE LOWES, THEY WOULD NOT KNOW CUSTOMER SERVICE OR THE TRUTH IF IT SLAPPED THEM IN THE FACE!!

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