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I bought my daughter a pair of the grey Bailey Uggs and when she opened them they were both for the right foot and two different sizes. I understand mistakes happen so I drove an hour half back to the closest store to exchange them and they didnt have her size so we ordered them. When we got them today,6 days later, they were two different style boots. So I called customer service to explain my frustration. I was offered a return label, then return the boots, then they would ship new boots. SERIOUSLY??? I was a general manager for a multi million dollar company and if I seriously treated a customer like that after that kind of experience I would not have a job. I was offered a $10 gift card, seriously keep your gift card. I will not be shopping at Journeys ever again. I have spent alot of money at your store, but never again. $10 gift card for not checking the boots in the first place, then sending another wrong pair, not checkin again, and 3 weeks later my daughter still doesn't have her Christmas gift that she specifically asked for. Thanks Journeys for your great customer service....sarcasm!!!

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