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I am the freshman soccer coach at St. Thomas in Dover NH and we had a match with Kennett on Thursday Sept. 20 and we stopped at the Burger King at the intersection of 16 and 302. The service was at a level of incompetence I have never witnessed in over 50 years. The usual courtesy extended to teams that stop is that drivers and coaches eat free. The players and driver went inside while I stayed with the bus and the driver was going to get his food and return to the bus and eat his meal on the bus while the players were to eat inside. I was surprised at how long it took for the driver to return to the bus and he said that he explained 5 or 6 times to the person taking his order that drivers eat free and she could not process that through her register so he finally gave up and paid for his order. He did get a senior discount. I went inside to check on the players and found that only 1 player had been able to place his order. I watched for about 20 minutes and 3 others placed their orders and paid. The bus was supposed to go back to a golf course and pick up a team of golfers that rode with us and the driver wanted to wait until the players ate their meals as the golf match took longer than the soccer match.I went out to the driver and told him the service was so slow he should get the golfers and come back or we would be very late getting back to school. Upon re-entering 8 other customers had gotten in line for service so, I went to the end of the line. People who were behind me when I went outside wanted me to get back ahead of them but, did not think it was right and remained at the end of the line. It took over 50 minutes for 12 players to place their orders, pay for them, and get their meals. I figured I would not have enough time to go through the line behind the 8 people before the players finished their meals and were ready to leave so, stepped out of line and did not order. I can assure you I will never stop at that Burger King myself and will explain to other coaches from St. Thomas why they should try other eating places if they are looking to take their teams to eat when competing in the area. Ray

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