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On Sat., Jan 5, 2013, I purchased an iPod touch, 16gb for $195 at the Plymouth, MN store. On Sunday, the same item was offered online and at the stroe for $195 with a Free $20 gift card. I called the store to ask about getting the gift card. I was told I would have to return the item and purchase a different one to get the gift card. However, since I opened the one I purchased I could not return it. I was told that their policy is to grant price adjustments fo items that go on sale within 10 duyas of purchase. Today's paper has an article about Target's price matching policy which states they will match others prices, and their own online prices within 7 days of a purchase. The explanation give me that they would not give me the gift card was that the item did not go on sale. It was $195 on Sat, and $195 on Sun. Apparently they do not consider the $20 gift card if purchased on Sun a "sale". That's like saying we arent going to increase taxes by raising rates, but eliminating deductions, which increases taxes payable is OK.

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