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Company in twin cities used Fed Ex to ship to me a computer etc i had purchased. Fed Ex left the packages in the hall of an apartment building across the street. I was home at the time so there was no reason to even leave anythign anywhere but with ME at MY address. It jsut so happens, it ened up with a guy who admitted to another tenant that he had just received a computer and a shit load of other things that he intended to keep since Fed Ex had delivered it to him. I went to the manager of his apt bldg and she too knew he had it but could not prove it so i threatened several times to him, i would call police and press charges of mail theft. I called Fed Ex and they sent the delivery man who had left it all thre in the first place. He came and took the apt guy to the side and offered him 300 dollars for all the stuff he had, and the guy went for it, just before the police arrived. It took a great deal of talking before he would even give any of it to the police and when he finally did, they didn't arrest him or even do anything about it. The Fed Ex man, appologized and went on hi sway too. He had told me that he thought he had left the packages with the manager at the managers office , and he knew it was not even my apt. bldg. Just easier since he had another delivery to that apt bldg. Fed Ex leaves packages anywhere they want to and does not even ask or require a signature from whoever they leave it with. What a JOKE . I have heard many stories of how bad Fed EX is just in my own town. I would never use Fed EX and wish that those i make purchases from would stop using it too. We have benn expecting a packeage here today all day, as has suppose to be delivered and it is 8pm still no package...Maybe he left it oo with a neighbor somewhere across town. Fed Ex carriers know they can get away with anything too. They go on breaks every ten minutes, go bowling, and sit in coffe shops all day....Where their deliveries go, is a good question when they do this. I heard they just leave it all in the truck and then drop it all off the next day anywhere close to the address so they can say they delivered it on time. Ohhh they have known little tricks i have heard about....

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