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Report abuse on a Meineke Store locations and Hours Post

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I had my car repaired at this Meineke because it overheated on the highway and I could not risk any damage to the engine so I stop there. The service manager, Jason, was very nice and courteous. I ended up paying more money for the repairs I wanted to pay, but that always the case for everyone. But all the work on my 2005 Pontiac I authorized was repaired to my satisfaction, and they have an outstanding mechanic name John from the the island who was very knowledgeable and took the time to even take pictures of the damage to my vehicle on his cell phone and showed me the before and after results. Oh! And he's a dread, but don't let the looks fool you. He knows how to fix and repair cars, and did a great job to get my vehicle running properly again.. The store manager was there and offered me discounts on my return for oil changes, I guess since I spend so much that day. So overall I would go back to this Meineke to service my car because I believe trust as been established and felt like I was not not ripped off.

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