Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Subway Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Ever since the recent owner change things have gone down tremendiously. The bread is very under proofed, at times being burnt or undercooked. He also is very cheap and rips the customers off by not giving u the minimum amounts, the "subway formula" ei 8 pieces of turkey is s.f. but they give u 6 if ur lucky... same with veggies too. He has also fired all employees that had been there for 5 plus years, when they were very friendly fast and made great neat subs. Place is always dirty which has me question the sanitation in the place. Employees now are rude and very unprofessional. I watched a female employee touch the owners butt and have noticed unprofessional sexual actions from owner as well toward employees and patrons. Epic fail. Go somewhere else unless u like getting ripped off

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