Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Subway Store locations and Hours Post

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I been eating Subway Sandwiches for lunch for more than 6 years and never had an experience like this in my life.Went to get two footlongs on 6/11/2013 and while paying asked for two seperate bags since the Manager/Cashier was trying to squeeze both footlongs into one bag. Offended by my request the lady started a sarcastic lecture on her 10 years of experince in store management as well as customer relations which was irrevalent at that time. Being a customer I don't care how long she been working in that store or she had a bad day at work as long as I get good Service. I felt so bad because of the rude and unproffessional way I was treated after spending thousands of dollars over the years at this location. This kind of service is unacceptable from a reputable Restauarant chain like Subway.

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