Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to the restaurant and ordered a 10 piece McNuggets thinking it would be quick and it was anything BUT quick. As I was ordering there was 4 employees taking their break and setting up near the front. One of them kept getting up and asking the girl taking my order to borrow her phone AND the girl stopped what she was doing (taking my order) and gave it to her. Then one of the employees that was on break got up and went behind the counter and who I am assuming was one of the managers snapped at the employee. It was something like "I know you are not coming up here behind my counter while my drive thru is wrapped about the building wanting me to do something". I just thought it was in poor taste to do in front of a whole lobby full of people. I stood up front for approximaley 11-12 minutes waiting for my McNuggets, finally the managers said "10 piece McNugget?", I said "that's me" then I was told that is was going to be a few minutes cause they had to cook your McNuggets. I asked how long becuase I had already been waiting 15 minutes, and was told a little over 4 minutes. I told them that I couldn't wait any longer becuase I was going to be late for work. Then was told "OK, sorry, have a good day". I told the lady that I had already paid for them. She said give me a minute and took the next persons order. I said don't worry about it, so I left. Paid for something and never got it or my money back. VERY poor management and customer service at this location.

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