Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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Last December, we stopped by this McDonald's after my son's orchestra concert. My sons ordered one chicken nugget meal, one large order of fries, and a coke. It took 20-25 minutes to receive this order. There was no one else in the restaurant at the time. When I asked what was taking so long, no explanation was offered.

Forgetting what an incredibly bad experience we had, we stopped there again tonight after my son's orchestra concert. It again took 25 minutes to receive an order of a chicken nugget meal, a chicken wrap, two snack wraps, two fries, and three drinks. Once again, there was no one else in the restaurant waiting on food. We were the only ones. There were at least six employees behind the counter. When asked what the problem was, we were told that one of the wraps was made incorrectly and they had to remake it. So, it takes 10-15 minutes to make a chicken wrap??. Also, the three fries we ordered (large) were only half full.

I will never, ever, ever frequent this McDonald's location and highly recommend that no one else do so either. It boggles my mind the level of incompetence that is accepted as appropriate for employees.

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