Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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If I could post the video on here you would be disgusted. There is a guy in the back handling meat and isn't wearing gloves, which I thought was mandatory. Notice the manager has his shirt tucked in like the dress code requires unlike any other employee who looks like slobs. And not a one of the long haired females on the line have a hair net, just messy hair that could easily get into the food. Drink station was a mess, the napkins were used and left at the station even some dirty ones hanging out the dispenser. Overflowing trash cans in the lobby, I don't know how anyone would be able to dump their tray.The floors are grimy and the fish filet boxes fell off the shelf and laid there for 10 minutes before someone finally picked them up, too bad she put them back on the shelf. And the worst part was the LACK of curtisey and customer service from Tori Scott, who was very rude and hateful as she yelled at me in front of other customers; informing me I had no rights in their public establishment, that if I continued to take pictures she would call the police and that I needed to leave. But I feel people need and have the right to know what kind of places they eat in. I even have Tori Scott on video threatening me and saying the establishment was filthy.

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