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Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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Have always enjoyed McDonald's tea from the store on Harbison Blvd. in Columbia, SC ... until today. Arrived at 11:30am, with tablet in tow, for lunch which consisted of tea and 2 small burgers. At 12:30am, an employee approached my table and loudly announced that the manager sent her over to tell me that I "would have to make an additional purchase to stay, and that there is a 30 minute restriction." Rather surprised, I packed up while noticing several empty tables in the restaurant. As I exited I noticed a sign on the door that said "30 minute restriction, no loitering." Is that what I was doing, loitering?! Something about this situation bugged me. I had just witnessed one of the worst cases of poor customer service. Been a customer of McDonald's for years, but I'm sure the tea is just as sweet down the road. Panera Bread, Taco Bell, Atlanta Bread ... here I come!

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