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Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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I went to this Micky D's because it was convient to my home. Three out of four times they get the take out order wrong. I have taken to checking the order before I leave with it. Most times it is not the way I wanted it. Getting and paying for extra sauces it a mind boggler to the staff there. I gave up using the takeout. I had called the manager three seperate times to complain about incomplete orders. I should have known better. Finally, I went inside. The order was correct as it was simple but appartently counting change from a twenty was not. It took two people to count out nine dollars and 92 cents. I heard a rumor, which I did not verify, that MacDonalds was going to hire only people with a bachelors degree. Oh, if it were only true. I am afraid to ~Snopes ~ it and have my hopes dashed.

Food is fine. Service is horrible.

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