Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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Original Post

Horrible customer service. Can't take and make simple orders. And employees have bad attitudes towards customers. 4 million people outta work. If they don't wanna do there jobs with a good attitude find someone who wants a job and let the cry babies go. My wife and I wont return there ever. So hard to make simple drink orders they charge for everything extra. But don't put the extra u pay for on anything ever. Than they give u attitude when u simply ask them for what u paid for. I know how hard it is to find valueble employees. Or people with any respect now a days. I bet they get a huge tax break for who they hire. Oh and don't try to call for hours. Cause u will waste all ur unlimited talk and text plan waiting for anyone to awnser hethelll phone. Again really hard to do there jobs. big surprise there.

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