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Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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I try not to go to this Mc Donalds. If you get nuggets and they ask what kind of sauce you want your reply should be.. why are you actually going to put it in the bag this time. If you order a $5 grilled chicken sandwich you better make sure its in the bag before you pull away. I know after waiting 37 minutes in a drive thru you think they would have got the order correct.(slowest mc Donalds on earth) oh yeah if you ask for cheese burgers its because you want cheese burgers not mc doubles. If you choose to go to this McDonald's be prepaired to wait longer than expected times and make sure you have enough gas to go back two or three times so you get what you paid for. The only reason this restaurant gets a single star is because I had to rate it and -100 stars wasn't an option

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