Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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today was the last straw; we have a basketball tournament in town which means alot more people; i have stopped by this location every day this week and turned and went to chick-fil-a. Today there were at leaset 20 people in line with ONE cash register open. Even at lunch they only have 2 registers open. This is ridiculous; this is in uptown charlotte and people are in a hurry. You need to put out survey forms for these customer's to get their feedback but you probably need new mgt. I was told once by a former employee that the mgr is watching her bottom line; how much more could it cost to open a couple more registers? By the way, they are slow all the time, not just this week. Chick-fil-a down the hall puts you guys to shame; they have 8 registers open and you get in and out of there very quick. The other day it was my time to order, once again only 1 register open, and the guy was checking his text messages, Next day, one register open and two employees standing there looking at there iphone .Something needs to be done about this situation as you guys are losing business every day.

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