Report Abuse

Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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This McDonald's is in SERIOUS need of new management. My husband and I go through the drive thru most every morning and it's gotten worse and worse. The poor people working are often running between both windows. Numerous cars don't even bother to stay in line. This morning one put in his order...and it was a very large bag...but obviously couldn't wait any longer to pick it up. At least 4-5 cars drive away every day. If the owner and management are different, the owner should really check out what's happening at this location. There was even a day about a month ago, that we pulled in to see a sign that "this location is closed today due to lack of staff." I don't wonder why. My husband tried to tip the girl this morning...she's good and we see her often...and she wouldn't take it...said she'd signed a contract that she couldn't do so...unbelievable! She works her tail off. She would be an asset to anyone's business. Wish we could offer her something.

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