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Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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The free WIFI rocks!! They are nice enough to let you walk in with a Dunkin Donuts coffee, donuts, plug in your device, sit there for 10mins to 10 hours and not bother you at all! My only complaint is the constant scraping of the chairs being moved... It is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard! I mean your sitting trying to eat lunch, maybe trying to get work done, even just relax, or maybe talking to a friend and all you can hear is this EXTREMELY LOUD scraping over and over! Talk about wanting to rip out all your hair! I have actually had to leave because of this! I would recommend a quick fix by making them slide or non-movable! But for the most part it's bright, airy, clean, lots of plugs in convenient areas and of course great food!!

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