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Report abuse on a McDonald's Store locations and Hours Post

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Recently refurbished, this strategically placed McD is a 24 hour operation. Wee morning lines are common perhaps owing to a hesitancy to pre prep enoug grub. When you staff your restaurant with kids (and that's fine) you need to have management paying CLOSE attention to detail. Out of the last 30 or so coffee orders feom the window, they flubbed roughly 20 of them. Either the dispenser is shorting the quantity or the employee doesn't think I need that much sugar or is not paying attention. Pick one. In late December, the coffee has become the second cousin of hot water. You know how to fix that ? Go to a different McD. We DO LOVE the large dollar coffee though...when it's made according to plan. Aside from these small things...not a bad restaurant though. I hope they will bring back the two for $4 big macs and QP w/cheese. Someday

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