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Report abuse on a IHOP Store locations and Hours Post

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My husband and I were there for dinner 3/6 worst service ever they left us sitting 10 minutes before asking us what we wanted to drink. We ordered new fried chicken and he ordered tilapia. 25 minutes later after we ordered I got my chicken and so did my husband. He had ordered tilapia waitress said o no u both ordered the same thing. Even the lady in the next booth told her that he had ordered tilapia. Anyway we were in a hurry for an appointment an couldn't wait anylonger. So were going to share my chicken. My husband cut into his piece it was frozen in the middle I also did the same ditto. She had said I'll give u 10% off our meal I then got up and told her we were leaving to go to Burger King and would not pay for the meal. Worst experience of my life with a restaurant will tell all my friends not to go to IHOP.

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