Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Golden Corral Store locations and Hours Post

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Just got home from our GC visit and feel cheated out of a good meal and our money. There was a large group of women with about 7 children in the restaurant. While the unconcerned mothers were eating, their kids, 3 to 8 years old, were running around uncontrolled and barefoot. They were grabbing food/candy from various bars with their hands instead of using utensils. Two of the kids were picking their noses and picking up several different plates and silverware and just put them back on the stacks. Disgusting! We lost our appetite and left. During our visit we made staff and management aware of this unsanitary situation but they were unable to take controll of it. So much for a good 4th of July meal. Would love to get our $20 refunded! Will put in a complaint with the Baytown health department.

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