Report Abuse

Report abuse on a Burger King Store locations and Hours Post

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Me and my family went to have lunch, it was a pain to order because the cashier (who was extremely efficient) said that the computer had problems, it wasn't taking the orders right. We had to wait several minutes to be served, there where no napkins, I had to ask for them. Once we were starting to eat, I noticed that the order was wrong because they have us French fries instead onions, I had to wait for more than five minutes to receive the correct order. The hamburgers were cold, the French fries of the kid meals where so cold. We decided to throw away all the meal and when we where notifying all the bad service the cashier offered our money back. At that moment mr milo offended us insinuating that all we wanted was the money, he did not believe in what we said. He also was disrespectful. I'm not going never back to this place and if I can't say to any friend to not to go, I'll certainly do.

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