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Report abuse on a Dunkin' Donuts Store locations and Hours Post

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love the coffee, cant find another dunks that makes it as good. however when that older woman is working the ovens better not get anything, bagels are not that hard to toast but when she does it they are under done, however when asked if she could toast them well they come out burnt. figured would try a samdwich, first one was still cold, second on was on a under toasted English muffin, the the last was so over cooked wasn't able to eat. manager doesn't care and for some reason she is the only one they will let on that station. not only do her cooking skills lack, she has a mouth on her when asked to do something special. I will not get anything hot while she is on that station. the disrespect she gives customers shouldn't be allowed, and management needs to do something before they start losing more business. most of the rest of the staff is great!

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