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Report abuse on a Dunkin' Donuts Store locations and Hours Post

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Dunkin Donuts in Lindenhurst on Montauk Hwy next to the McDonalds. Friend of mine went in there and noticed a sign posted on the window from LA FITNESS stating that they were offering hot showers, warmth, and lights to anyone who needed to come in, not just members. My friend watched in horror as the manager of Dunkin Donuts took the sign down, rip it up, and throw it in the garbage!! She asked the store manager why did he take it down and he said I can't allow advertising! She told him that she would not patronize his store anymore and he followed her outside calling her a BITCH!!! This man is glad to take the people of Lindenhurst's money but wont allow them to be helped in the smallest of ways! JOIN ME IN BOYCOTTING DUNKIN DONUTS, LINDENHURST NY (next to McDonalds on Montauk Hwy)!!!!

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